Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Exciting Project - Please Read I need your help!

Hey guys,

So I am currently REALLY excited.

Here's why.

So hopefully you've read my last post about "The Oceanic Six", if not this will make less sense.

Recdently I've been looking for opportunitites to write on the internet for some practice.
Yesterday my brain went "bing" and I had an idea.

The idea is to create a blog where I write about bands who have an affiliation with Youtube. There are a stack of good bands all over Youtube and my idea is to provide a site where Youtbube lovers can go and see band reviews.

Here's the epic awesome part:
I emailed Luke Conard of "Oceanic Six" and told him of my plan. I asked if I could interview the band and review them as my first article.

He replied this morning eager to help :D

So, what can you do?
Well, when I make the Blog I'll post it up here. Your job is to join and tell others to join so this isn't a massive flop. Also, if you can comment on the blogs once they're up, that would be awesome. Even if it's something stupid.
Please join even if you don't like the idea, just so it's not me there with a bunch of reviews by myself, and once other people I don't know join, you can totally leave.

Additionally, once I write about "The Oceanic Six" (again on my other blog) go to their site and tell them where you heard about them.

This is Luke Conard (2600 subscribers) and his GF Kristina Horner (30 000 subscribers)

This is "The Oceanic Six" on Myspace.

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