Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Exciting Project - Please Read I need your help!

Hey guys,

So I am currently REALLY excited.

Here's why.

So hopefully you've read my last post about "The Oceanic Six", if not this will make less sense.

Recdently I've been looking for opportunitites to write on the internet for some practice.
Yesterday my brain went "bing" and I had an idea.

The idea is to create a blog where I write about bands who have an affiliation with Youtube. There are a stack of good bands all over Youtube and my idea is to provide a site where Youtbube lovers can go and see band reviews.

Here's the epic awesome part:
I emailed Luke Conard of "Oceanic Six" and told him of my plan. I asked if I could interview the band and review them as my first article.

He replied this morning eager to help :D

So, what can you do?
Well, when I make the Blog I'll post it up here. Your job is to join and tell others to join so this isn't a massive flop. Also, if you can comment on the blogs once they're up, that would be awesome. Even if it's something stupid.
Please join even if you don't like the idea, just so it's not me there with a bunch of reviews by myself, and once other people I don't know join, you can totally leave.

Additionally, once I write about "The Oceanic Six" (again on my other blog) go to their site and tell them where you heard about them.

This is Luke Conard (2600 subscribers) and his GF Kristina Horner (30 000 subscribers)

This is "The Oceanic Six" on Myspace.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Oceanic Six

"Hey, let's make a Harry Potter themed band"
"Dude, it's been done."
"Lord of the Rings?"
"Dr. Who?"
"Yeah, and go up against Chameleon Circuit? sure."
"I've got it.


That's right, "The Oceanic Six" is a "Lost" themed band, and if you're not a "Lost" fan, may as well stop reading now because we're about to get lost.

I stumbled upon this band through Youtube - so you know their awesome.
I'm subscribed to Kristina Horner ( which posted a video of her and her BF Luke Conard singing an epic Ron/Hermione duet (

I then subscribed to Luke Conard ( who is in The Oceanic Six. Sorry if you're confused but we are talking "Lost" here, there's not really any other way to do it.

Okay, down to the band stuff.

Just as they claim to be, they're a mix of Electronica, Powerpop and Rock but don't let that description put you off if you're not into that scene. Still make sure you check them out if you're into Lost, and even if you're not.

Some of their songs include:
"Invisable Others"
"They Took My Son"
and "Mr. Eko""

My personal fave is "Good Morning Charlie" and here's a bit of the lyrics (which are all posted up so you can read along as you listen)

Good morning Charlie
This is Claire from flight 815
We're going to
crash but
The island is not what it seems

It's a chance to change
Remake your life

You'll kick the heroin
We'll fall in love

This is where we begin
Put the past behind us
What's done is done.

Also make sure to check out "Henry Gale" which is great to listen musically and is also pretty funny.
Not my usual style of music but they're talented with the computer, you gotta admit that. And their songs are genius.

This is an awesome band, and I was their 176th friend - and a band with less myspace friends than me is a little sad. So listen and tell your other "Lost"-loving friends and hopefully we can boost their egos a little.

Everything that i did
I did for the island
They just dont

Jack, don't make that call,
it's the beginning of the end
Liar, Ben you're a liar

Monday, December 14, 2009

out with the old, in with the music.

So I realised that if I wasn't me and saw all the crap written on this blog, there's no way I would read it.

I've decided to stop boring you with my life, and instead I am going to only do music reviews from now on.

If there's anything you want me to review let me know and I will.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

heat driving goodbyes

on monday, three factors stood out.

#1 heat
Jo, Sam and I drove to rouse hill for megan's 19th picnic. and it was hot.
probably the hottest i've been all year. and we where there for probably about 4 hours.
plus I was sick so it was pretty crap. the company was lovely though.

this looks like a pretty random photo but that's megan in the middle

#2 driving
I drove so much.
to rouse hill and back (via jo and sam's house)
then to the city, then to cremorne point (which took us an hour when it should have taken 10mins)
then back to sam's and back home.

#3 goodbyes
Joe is leaving on Wednesday for a year and had a post-21st drinks night at his house monday night. Jo and I didn't go due to sickness/bad moodness but picked Sam up with the double-agenda of saying bye to Joe.
We got there as Joe's other friends left but ended up staying after as he insisted we have cocktails (in my case a mocktail).
We all reminised of The Wharf; speaking of how strange it was that 3 months ago we hadn't even met, and he got us to sign his Wharf cast picture.
Then there were big hugs and cheezy words all 'round, leaving us with warm fuzzies and making us feel a little sad.
With promises that he would invade the Ryde area when he got back, and insisting we get skype, we left around 2.

sam, tanya, joe, calvin, me, megan, deb, random head.

I probably won't write about The Wharf any more. It's been a big part of my life this year and, while the friendships are still continuing and ramifications are still present, Joe's leaving signifies an end.

Thank you for tolerating it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

music fame and hashbrowns in 26 hours

my last two days pretty much went like this:

11am-4pm homebake
On Saturday I went with Janelle, Louise, Timmy c and Jeremy.
I saw The Middle East (awesome as usual) and a bit of bridezilla (which likewise made me jealous as heck)

4pm-8pm transport and buying presents

8pm-12midnight Joe's house
Joanna and I got to Joe's 21st and knew no one.
Luckily a tonne of people recognised us from the wharf and gave us this "15 seconds of fame" kinda feeling. They'd come up to us and say "I know you don't know me, but I feel like I know you". Which I totally get because I feel like that about artists and actors all the time but I didn't ever expect it to happen to me.
So we had some great conversations with Joe's friends, I spoke to one lady who works as a recruiter and she was giving me tips on how to get into music jouralisim which was great.
There where a few brilliant speeches and everyone was just basically overwhelmed (as am I) about how talented, humble, kind and awesome Joe is.

12midnight-4am megas
The plan here was for a bunch of people to catch a bus to cremorne hotel (more commonly known as "megas") and a bunch of people to walk up together.
So a bunch of people caught the bus while others drove leaving Jo, Joe, Sam and I to walk. So there was Joe, on his 21st, walking with us - of all people - to a pub that all his friends where already at.

We got there, and there was this man who played old songs on the piano, causing us to link arms in a big circle, sway and scream out lyrics until we could speak no longer.

We then sat around, surprisingly enough, with Joe and chatted until we where told to leave.

tim, sam, joe, deb and i (i'm not some random photo-bomber, these are actually my friends - as much as this photo would like to suggest otherwise :s)

4am-6am maccas
The pub closed at 4 and the few who hadn't ditched (about 30 at this point) headed over to maccas. They had started to serve the breakfast menu which was exciting.
The original plan was to go to the beach but most of us where pretty tired by this point.
Jo, Deb and I caught a taxi back to Joe's to find half a dozen people lying around his house.

They slowly left as we slowly fell asleep.

6am-12noon sleep
Jo, Sam and I fell asleep on the floor and everybody else left. We woke up to have breakfast with Joe's family and Chris who had left and then come back.

My mouth tasted like tyre and my hair felt like a farm yard.

post-party naps and showers where well enjoyed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

anyone fancy a drink?

Something I've been thinking about recently is Christians in pubs, mainly because, since I've started uni I've been going to pubs more and more frequently.

Firstly I don't get what people think pubs are. I think people have this picture in their head of drunked sleezy men and a place people go just to get drunk. Honestly, my experience of pubs have been more closely related to How I met Your Mother - everyone sitting around, having a chat. That can or cannot involve alcohol and in my experience, often avoids drukedness.

I get if that kind of thing isn't peoples scene and they don't like the idea of sitting around having a chat, but I don't get when people, especially Christians, shy away from it just because of this picture they have formed in their head.

I've had some absolutely awesome times at pubs, with non-christians and christians.
Eg. I went with Ruth and Kate one night and it was honestly this amazingly encouraging experience. I got to sit down and chat with two of my sisters. I think Ruth and Kate had a drink each and they have this awesome deal at Epping RSL where if you're driving, soft-drinks are a dollar, and as designated driver I took advantage of this :)
we were out before 11 and didn't leave our seats the whole time.
So there's seedy drunkedness for you.

Furthermore, with non-Christians.
Eg. I had this awesome talk with I guy I had just met; he used to go to church but doesn't any longer and we had this big talk about what he thinks of God and Christians and church. A big part of his decision to not be a Christian was because he "just wants to have fun" and by being there, having fun, I was able to break down this awful Christian steryotype that says all Christians go to sleep before 8, don't watch TV and condem all those who drink.

Additionally, I was able to show him the love of Christ by shouting him a beer and making a clear statement that I wasn't going to get drunk.
It's in these situations that people have literally told me things such as "I thought all Christians where judgemental, but you aren't"
When I started to go out, I met all these people who are so open to the gospel and don't shy away from talking about it - I have had numerous fantastic opportunities to share the gospel and Christ's love with people who I would normaly have no contact with.

Now before we all think Polly condones drukedness, I want to make my point clear.
don't go out drinking with non-Christian friends if you have a temptaion to drink too much.
furthermore, be careful that you don't drink too much when you go out.
don't condone the hedonistic life-style that you're friends have;
but like Jesus hanging out with sinners, be there in secular comunities so that when these people start asking questions about your actions, you have opportunities to give the reasons for the hope that you have.

And this isn't just about pubs, it's about secular comunities in general. Sporting clubs, drama societys, school in general - these are all areas where we can fall into temptation but by being different we can show the love of Christ.

Let's break the Christian sterotype and show that you can be a strong follower of Christ and not have to rejet yourself from secular society.

Be in the world - not of the world.

"In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

"They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

tattoos, books, buskers, piercings, and santa


I went into the city with Jess and Corey for Jess to get her tatt.
She got "Start A Riot" in cursive on her lower left back.
Corey is heavily tattooed and was there to show us the ropes and try to convince me to get one.
I think one day I will, but I'd like to get a matching one with someone (as lame as that sounds) cause Liam and I where talking about getting matching ones and I reckon that'd be cool.

Corey and I then dragged Jess and Tom (who had since joined us) around newtown to this awesome book shop. It's 2 levels of books and each isle is about a meter wide. Books are EVERYWHERE and just piled up. There's sections of styles but you usually have to dig if you're looking for something good. And they're all second hand and really cheap. I picked up the next two anne of green gables that I want to read for $13 together. And it's open till midnight which is pretty cool.
I could honestly spend all day in there if you let me, but unfortunatley the book store wasn't Jess and Tom's scene so we bailed and sat in a park eating icecream.

Wow what a boring post, good on you if you've stayed with me thus far.

When we where walking we saw a bunch of environmentalist uni-aged guys sitting on old chairs having a jam. Corey and I vowed that we'd do something similar and uni next year to make it a more interesting place.

Then on the way home Corey was suddenly inspired to get a piercing, so he got his lip pierced. I was inches away from getting my nose done, but the 80 odd dollars it would have cost me I couldn't really afford. And I'm thinking about getting the lip done too. It kind of changes your whole look if you get your lip done but I reckon I could pull it off in a hippy kinda way. Let me know what you think on the nose and lip front.

After that I rushed home to get ready for Debs Christmas party.
Jo, Sam and I rocked up together assuring ourselves that even though we didn't know anyone there, we'd have eachother. Luckily on our arrival we found out that Tim and Joe - despite going to Deb's uni, knew no one either.
People where all dressed as elves, santa or in red and green. And then there was Joe who tied a bit of tinsel around his wrist.
We didn't really do more than sit around and have a few drinks but it was still fun.


Monday, November 30, 2009

it's always cloudy except for, except for.

well what a big year.
and before you click the "back" button, this is not a Christmas card style "Johnny got 3rd place in his 4th grade swimming competition this year" rant about my past year.
just a few quick things to outline awesome stuff, and as always i'll try to keep the pictures to a max and the comments to a min. I've also put the heading in bold so you can just have a scroll through.

starting uni
still haven't...
worked out how the system works
gotten a concession card
got in with the "in" crowd at Christian Union
found a solid friend group to hang out with
I have had...
fun in tutes and lectures
more fun than I should writing essays
amazing times outside of classes with amazing people
great extra-curricular experiences

Study Camp
Leading on study camp was so amazingly fun.
Made so many good friends and, more importantly, the girls I lead showed an amazing response to the message of Christ. I still keep in contact with them and they've just finished so pray that they'll still consider what they've learnt.
can't wait to go again next year.

New Found Love of Youtube

this yea
r i've clicked "subscribe" 42 times.
a few I would like to mention...
- a collaboration channel with, in my opinion, 4 awesome guys plus one okay guy.
nerimon -
alex day is brilliant - i'm enjoying his current chapter by chapter reading and scrutinising Twilight. oh and he's English.
charlieissooollike -
the guy who started my Youtube obsession. You don't know youtube until you know the awesomeness of charlie. he is English also.
johnnydurham19 -
Johnny D , i must admit is better looking than he is funny, but, you guessed it - he's English.
5awesomegirls -
a collaboration channel talking about Harry Potter? Sold.
StarKidPotter -
yes, it is these who are responsible for the amazing "A Very Potter Musical". Nuf said. These guys made my year a hell of a lot better.
communitychannel -
an aussie who has a hamish and andy style notice for social conventions and is pretty hilarious.
VlogBrothers -
the beginnings of collaboration channels - Hank and John Green, I talk about them more in "green". I love them both dearly.

Christian Union Mid Year Conference
All I can say is BARTOCK.
And first place for the car scavenger hunt goes GG (consisting of Amanda, Laura, Jes, Bonnie and I)
I met a WHOLE bunch of great people - Laura, Mel, Amanda, Alex, Annabel, Nathan, Kate, Brenden, other Mel and Wessels deserve a mention, and these relationships launched me from outsider to insiderish.

Getting Sick While My Parents Where Away
I had to do a whole lot of maturing really quickly. If buying food, cooking, cleaning, and arranging transport wasn't enough, add going to the hospital to get surgery to the mix. Of course I had Jes and my entire church family behind me, it was still a pretty challenging time.
The nurse says I'll be allll better in two more weeks. That will make 10 weeks of post-surgery care all up.

Black Stump
One of the best stumps so far
New Empire
Rhys Stamnas
Lydia Cole
Stu Larson
Idea of North
Seven Steady
Garage Hymnal
San Salvador

The Musical
This one experience that I will never forget.
Despite being my first musical, it was an original musical with only us to create the characters.
The people where amazing and will be sorely missed and I've made some friendships which I dearly pray will be with me for life.

Hanging out with Joe, Tim, Chris, Sam, Jo and Deb at Joe's house, Kingsley's, on a jetti, in the theater - where ever, have produced some of the best moments all year.

My 18th - black and red all 'round it was an awesome night
Liam's 20th - at the clare hotel (highly recommended)
Janelle/Lousie's 20th - at a Panzer gig
Phil and Lil's Wedding - fun times all 'round, an honour to play in the band
Andy B's 18th - made many one-night-friends. Good potato's I recall
Claudia's belated 18th - again, made many one-night-friends with Claudia's uni friends
Tom's 18th - amazing cake by Rosie, fun times with Chee chilling out with the dregs at the end.
Alison's 20th - a night on the town (Jes, Matt, Iggy, Ali and I) - trying to pronounce Italian menus and eating pancakes on the rocks.
Annual Dinner - Kate, Brendan, Annabel and Alex's bad jokes where the highlights of this night.
Bonnie's 21st - involved a jumping castle and Luke's word games and a tasty tasty pinata
Deb's Christmas Party - red and green, pool, wine and music.
yet to come...
Joe's 21st
Megan's 19th
Chris' 21st

Seeing Artists
McFly - brilliant as per usual
Death Cab For Cutie - amazingly spectacular, they were one of those bands that you have on you "must see" list and I was glad to finally cross it off.
Joshua Radin - see "two albums, two exes" as one sentence could not describe it.
The Middle East x a few - am constantly amazed at their awesomeness
Panzer Queen - epic band and fun times with Jen and Blake

I have a whole lot more happening this year so this will be updated as those events fold out.
please write a similar entry about your year!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Here's the next part of the novel I was trying to write for NaNoWriMo (which i have 4 days to complete...ha)

The clock read 8:30, half an hour before Beth’s mother was to return home from her shift at the hospital. Beth’s mother had the habit of continually pointing out that Beth was still young and naive even though she had recently turned 18 and was a few weeks in to university. Therefore, Beth decided that telling her mother about the break-up with Paul would only emphasise her point as he was the third boyfriend she’d had this year. Even though it was early, Beth decided to turn in for the night and post-pone the argument until the morning.

Beth laid her head on the pillow, the silence acted as a remedy to her throbbing head. Finally, all the day’s happenings that where swirling through her mind, replaying over and over like a child reading their favorite book, stopped. And Beth was left to sleep.

She awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs and her mother’s whisper “Beth honey, I’ve got to go into the hospital today – Sheryl called in sick, there’s bacon and eggs on the table, I’ll be home ‘round six”

Beth grunted in reply and was sleepily relived that the day would be hers to do what she wanted. Beth rolled over and looked at the time – 10:00 and thought it appropriate to rise as the day would be over before she knew it.

She changed into her jeans and pulled a red button-up shirt over her singlet. She reached up to her bun, at this stage holding only a small amount of hair, and tugged at the elastic until her dark-blonde hair sat above her shoulders in soft waves.

She moved to the kitchen and ate her breakfast slowly, contemplating what she might do on her undisturbed day. The apartment was too stuffy, and, pulling on her Chucks, Beth decided to go to the park behind the apartment blocks.

She had only walked five minutes into the park when she saw him walking towards her “Paul I swear if you speak to me about this again I-”

“Beth just give us another chance eh?” Paul butted in.

Beth began to walk the other direction “You’ve had too many chances already Paul. Leave. Me. Alone.” Paul followed her and Beth began to pick up speed.

“Beth, we’re made for each other!” Paul insisted. Beth decided to walk into the large patch of untamed bush behind the park in an effort to lose him, yelling “go away!” to the persistent annoyance behind her. Her efforts had worked and Beth continued to storm off into the trees until found herself surrounded by tall gums and native ferns. She began to slow as she realised that it was a beautiful place that she had stumbled upon. Beth looked up into the canopy and saw the high arching braches covering her. One foot stepped on the rocky ground, then the next, as Beth peered above her. Suddenly she lost her balance and found herself on the ground, face first, in front of a giant gum tree. She pulled herself to its trunk noting a sharp pain in her right leg. Resting against the tree, Beth rolled up her jeans to find a deep cut. Sighing Beth lent her head back onto the trunk and closed her eyes, thinking of what to do. A few minutes passed and Beth opened her eyes to find herself in a situation quite out of the ordinary.

Surrounding her now was a sea of red fabric that appeared to have come from no where. Beth slowly stood up, with a gasp, as she felt the pain in her leg. She had had a similar dream to this a week before she started uni. The dream will all be over soon Beth assured herself and shut her eyes muttering “wake up Beth, wake up”

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

loving the gentlemen

and here's where the music reviewer in me comes out.

so this week, whilst browsing in Koorong, a few books and the new "Switchfoot" album in my arms, I looked over to a display. The CD advertised had this awesome album, and despite being placed amongst a myriad of "pop/rock" artists, I deiced to check them out.

Hearing the first song I was sold.

This is the band that I've been waiting for.
While I've stumbled across awesome Christian artists before (stu larson, lydia cole, ruth, the middle east, san salvador etc etc) this band is like no other.

With a kinda "Kooks"y sound, this band mimics the indie/alternate wave coming out of England at the moment.
the lyrics are about the big man.

"This king of glory has sent me to complete this task"
"Set your eyes on things above"

"the Gentlemen" have the "Relient K" mix down-pat. An album of both classic boy/girl songs, mixed with those presenting statements about what they believe.

This band could easily fit in on FBI radio or supporting Sarah Blasko and Vampire weekend, however they don't let their Christian identity be clouded by the want to be big.

If you're into this kind of thing, their definitely worth a check out.

Band: The Gentlemen
Album: A Candid History of Faith, Hope, Love
Koorong $19.95

Monday, November 23, 2009

two exes, two albums.

He stood there before me, mere metres away with that hair and those hands and that guitar that, for years I have longed to see.
It was so surreal that it felt like a dream. And i'll tell you, it wouldn't be the first time I dreamed about him.
His melodic voice paired with the gentle strumming and picking of his guitar created a sound that can only be described as pure awesomeness.
"I have two I've got two albums" oh and did I mention that he was also FUNNY AS HECK?
among the beautifully written songs that fell down on you like rain as you walk through the streets, one hand in an umbrella and the other linked in someone else's - were humorous anecdotes, a candid view into his past relationships and an insight to the "only girl he's ever loved".

right now, I cannot think of a more perfect moment. and, although being pressed up against the railing, at times, proved painful, it was worth it.

The most impacting part, I must say, was his description of the song "no envy, no fear". He explained that he used to see artists and look at them in envy. He wished that one day people would pay to come see him play like people did with these artists. He was basically describing my life to me. But, the way to go about it is not to be envious, but inspired. And that's just what I was - envious. and that's just what i'll try to be - inspired.

some are reaching, few are there
wandering from a heros chair
some are scared to fly so high
well this is how we have to try

have no envy and no fear
have no envy
no fear

Sunday, November 22, 2009

this one's for chlo

So chloe was talking about how no one ever posts any more.
And it's true, I haven't posted since my musical shut down and my life is now taken over by exams.

so i think we should have a blog challenge over the Christmas break that means we have to post each week and do something....

so ideas?

Monday, November 9, 2009

death metal - less talk,, more photos.

"your name is such a death metal name" said a tipsy Tim at Saturday's after party before repetitively growling "Polly Bray".

I've had such an awesome time this past week, hanging at the theater, chilling at joshy's, sleeping at Joanna's and seeing an amazing view from Joe's. Not to mention chilling in the city tonight with Ali and co. But more of that later.

Here's pictures as promised and I'll try to keep the commentary to a minimum.

Jo Sam and I making the "Rosie's" sign

Joe Sam Jo and I on "Goon Night" as it has now been deamed.

"The cool kids" on a jetti near a light house near Joe's place - over looking the harbor. Trying to not fall in to the water while the camera swung on self-timer. Edwin Macca Sam Me Jo Deb Joe.

Luckily my time with these awesomely cool people is extended to a dinner, 21st and a Christmas party. However I'll still miss them dearly.

Harris out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

closing down

So the time being apart of this musical is coming to a close and I've come to realise how little the whole thing is about the actual musical and more about the people.

Today it hit me that I wont see some of these people ever again. And that's hard when you've spent 8 hours a day for two weeks with them.

I feel I would be neglecting the world if I didn't speak of the crazy night last night - "the cool kids" as Joe has deemed us (being Joe, Tim, Jo, Sam and I) had one of those nights that makes for awkward "hey..."'s the next day and random outbursts at remembering what exactly we got up to. Joe and Tim finished uni officially and where therefore a little rowdy. And now, I must say, I view my directors in a very different light.

We must have taken 100 pictures in various locations at various times in the wee small hours of the morning around macquarie uni.

Here's just a taste.

Sam Tim Jo Joe Me

While I'll see Sam and Jo around, Joe and Tim (and other finished/UTS people) are off on great adventures and I'll probably never hear of them until they're famous.

Two after parties and a recording session to go until the only thing I'll have left from the musical will be an album and a bent name tag.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


That's right it's NaNoWriMo. For those who aren't nerd fighters; NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. Which is, November. This month many are attempting to write a 50 000 word novel. While this may just produce a lot of crappy novels, it's getting people who don't write, writing.

Naturally I'm joining the novel crusade and nerdfighting for a decent novel.

Here's some of what I've been writing; for those who are interested.

This is the smallest might-be-true story that ever there was, that boys can put in their back pockets and write in the margins for the girls they stole it from.


The door bell rang a third time. Beth knew who it was and therefore had no intention of answering it.

“Come on Beth!” the voice on the other side of the door pleaded, “open the door”.

The persistence displayed by the boy did not wear Beth down, but rather fuelled her anger.

“Go away Paul!” She yelled back.

“I am not going until you speak with me, face to face!” Paul replied confidently.

Beth sighed and made her way to the door knowing his stubbornness would make reality of his statement. Beth got onto her tippy-toes, too short as per usual, to peer through the peep-hole in the door. The boy staring back at her was distorted by the convex shaped glass and therefore appeared to have a nose disproportionately large for his face. His brown hair was messy and sat void of any clear part or intention of style – one more thing Beth could add to the list of reasons she had previously recited to him, prompting their break-up.

Paul smiled with victory as the door opened ajar a little, and Beth stood before him in her flannelette pajama pants and singlet. Her hair was up in a bun with soft wispy dark-blonde strands, too short to stay pulled up, falling to frame her delicate face.

“Beth” he said with a smile

“What Paul?” she snapped back, “what could you possibly have to say to me”

“I…” he began, and Beth saw his eyes wondering off as if trying to find the right words to say, “I…love you?” he said unsure, as if he where on a game show and just been asked a question of which he had no idea the answer.

“Oh, oh you love me?” Beth said in a tone filled with sarcasm. “You love me like you love Stacy Crawford? And Lois Watson? And Rebecca Phillips? And, let me see, who else?”

“I told you, they meant nothing!”

“Well that makes me feel a whole lot better” she replied with the same attitude. “Paul,” she began more seriously, articulating every syllable “I do not want to go out with you anymore. There is nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind”.

“But Beth, baby,” he began to plead as the door slammed in front of him blowing a cold gust of air onto his face and further ruffling his hair.

Beth stood by the door and heard his footsteps become more and more muffled until they became non-existent.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

some news that's hard to digest

"We have some news that may be hard to digest," said Joe last night at our pre-show gathering.
"Well, not for us," Tim added "Clive was pretty tasty."

That's right, last night it was made known that Clive (who turned out to be a girl) died and was eaten by our directors. Joe and Tim told a few of us - knowing most of the cast would freak out had they known Clive's fate. When Joe turned up with a much much bigger, much much more aggressive crab, however, people started to wonder. And thus, the cat was let out of the bag and the crab out of his nicely decorated tank.

This new (male) crab named by Courtney as "Petal" is crazy aggressive. Jo and I walked into see him and he basically tried to kill us from his tank. We can only pick him up with tongs - which he's latched onto with his gross mouth and wouldn't let go a few times.

Isn't it great that this is the most interesting thing happening to me right now?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

please pray!

"Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

So now that I've built up some relationships with the cast of The Wharf I've been massively praying for opportunities to make the gospel known.

Please pray for opportunities and that I can care more about what people think of God than what they think of me. Because what's more important? People not thinking I'm weird or people knowing about the amazing saving grace of God. Really, in comparison I have nothing to loose and these people have life to gain.


So i rocked up to my driveway this morning at 4:22am

I woke up at 6pm for a performance at 8, we debriefed at 10:30 and then Joe, Sam, Chris, Courtney, Jo and I spent a few hours being entertained by a crab before talking for a few hours.

Looks like I'll be sleeping in till noon.

Friday, October 30, 2009

humans don't eat plankton?

"If I had a blog I would write about this" - Sam

Well, I do (not that i'm telling the 5 people that where bagging out people that have blogs, tonight) so I am going to write about "this".

tonight was awesome, apart from producing a KILLER show, a handful of us stayed back and hung out and chatted about general random happenstances. There's like the "cool group" that all went to a Halloween party leaving the UTS people and other randoms to bond over our lack of friendship with everyone else.

A few people left leaving Jo, Joe, Sam and I becoming fascinated with the live crab, Clive, which Joe bought as a pretty cool prop. We're probably going to eat him eventually which i sad seeing as we're all quite attached.

Here, is the "this"; we sat from about 1:30-2:00am watching Clive eat carrot and broccoli as we had run out of ritz. It was sooooo weird, crabs have these weird mouths that open up and like 8 sets of pincer claw things come out and roll the food around.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


So for about 2 years now, every Sunday I've been going to a blog site called PostSecret which I'm guessing a lot of people have heard of. Basically a guy called Frank Warren asked people to send in secrets about themselves on postcards a while ago and since then he gets like hundreds every week. While all of them are interesting, about once a month I find one that I particularity like or can relate to. So this is my collection of my favorites, I hope you like them too.

And, my absolute favorite...

Hope you enjoyed them and start having a look on Sunday's aswell :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

your frind in the frudge.


how i have missed thee.

now how could i possibly go to a Joshua Radin concert and NOT comment on the experience? Well I plan to write about it, but at the moment I'm still a little overwhelmed, so once I calm down and can produce a review that's more than "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOMYCRAPILOVEJOSHUASOOOOOOO
FRIKKINGMUCH" I will write about it.

For the mean time my life is currently being consumed by this musical "the wharf" and, if you're reading this please come. I'm not just saying that to advertise the show, it would actually mean so much to me. I've put a lot of effort into this and I'm still a little bitter from a mid summer nights dream. That might sound really arrogant but you have absolutely no idea how much I would love you to come and see this. I wear white, pants and have my hair up so you may not recognize me :) the dates are the 29th-31st and 4th-7th. Give me a buzz and I'll book em.

L-R: Someone, Megan, Mario, Deb, Me, Jo, Stevie

I've been having so much fun, and, even though most nights I get home at about 1, I'm absolutely loving it. I've never been in a musical before and it seems to be just my thing.

I went to the auditions with Jo and luckily, we both got the parts we went for. However EVERYONE else knows each other from the last musical and we felt like massive outsiders. Luckily, this has now changed and we've met some great people.

Giselle (Shirly) and I. We're supposed to look bored :s

We've all gotten to the stage were everyone can be absolutely themselves. For instance I was making a sign the other day and Joe (writer/producer) sat behind me and said "oi polly" i turned around to expect him to ask me to do something but instead he was mixing some white paint and said "want some milk? may taste kind of toxic".

Joe and the orchestra.

Personal jokes are at large and Jo and I have teamed up with Sam to create pure awesomeness.

This Orchestra is amazing. I only know Lauren (3rd from left) and Sam (2nd from right)

I'll have more photo's up soon as Joe puts them up from bump in.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

my Grandmother is awesome.

Today my Grandmother (Dad's Mum) called to see how I've been going (getting over sickness and without my parents) and I realised that she's someone in my family who I have a lot in common with (apart from our initials).

I've just started reading the "Anne of Green Gables" series, inspired by the movies which I would watch when I was little at her house, today we spoke for a while about the series and differences between the book and film, as though I was talking to a friend about the twilight series.

I'm also studying English at uni, much to her delight, as she told me how she wished she had the opportunity to do the same.

While my mum is mega smart and reads like 3 books a week, and if she was a student today would get in the 90's in her UAI (sorry ATAR)...(I know, where was all that talent lost?) and would do 3 unit English, she's never (to my knowledge) been that passionate about writing for the sake of writing.

And while my Dad has written a book (yeah, I know...weird right?) it was stopped being published a while ago and long off the shelves at Koorong.

So my love for English stems somewhat from my parents but today I saw how much of my love for English is probably due to my Grandma. While my parents are fully supportive and mega proud of me and my achievements at uni (I know, they rock), my Grandma is completely delighted with the idea that I'm studying English and consider a career to do with the subject.

Another similarity which I realised today was our messiness and ability to hoard. She told me how her study had moved into a junk room and while she likes to keep things clean, it doesn't always happen. I agreed immediately and mentioned my room to which she commented "Yes, I find your room the friendliest room", while she may have been commenting on its ability to greet you at the door, I would like to think that, while not perfectly clean, my room is warm and friendly, a place to inspire thought and harness creativity. These factors, to me, are much more important than being constantly tidy.

Something that I really like about my Grandmother is stories about her childhood where she'd sneak out to see movies and get into all sorts of trouble with her friends. It allows me to see her as, not only my Grandmother, but someone with a great flair for adventure which I'd like to think I have.

One final reason that my Grandmother is awesome is her love of Christ. Out of everybody I know, it is my Grandmother that inspires me the most. It's not only her amazing stories about being a nurse and missionary in Malaysia and strength in losing a daughter and raising two boys, but her constant love and compassionate nature to this day. I get the pleasure of visiting her church very rarely and it is here that most people show their service and love for those in their church family. Her service and love, however, spreads to be evident in all areas of her life. Spending an afternoon with her on the odd occasion I can see her continual love of Christ and genuine love for those around her as it beams from her very person and is shown even in her most simplistic action. It is not only the love, but the absolute selflessness that accompanies this that I stand in awe of.

As a Christian I aspire to be like her.

If I ever get the pleasure of being a Grandmother, I hope I'll be what she has been to me.

my Grandmother is awesome.


So recently I've started the epic journey of watching the Vlogbrothers series "Brotherhood 2.0".

In the year of 2007 Hank and John Green started a challenge where they where not allowed to comunicate to eachother through any textual communication, but instead, they alternately made a vlog (Video Blog) every week day of 2007.

I'm up to January 19th, in this episode Hank explains that this time each year he sends out a survey to his friends and family which they answer and then he posts up on the internet, he can't send it to John because this would be communicating in textually, so instead he vlogs the questions.

So, I thought I would answer the questions and also ask everyone else to reply with their answers.

So, here we go.

1-6 (these questions are not disclosed as they are "the same as always")
7-8 (I've changed these because they're questions about Hank. And I don't know him. And you don't either.)
(I also cut out a few irrelevant ones)
7 How long have you known Polly?
8 What do you want from her?
9 What are you doing? (Please be as specific as possible)
Sitting on my lounge in my pjs with wet hair blogging after watching the vlog bothers before going to uni.
10 How much longer do you think you you'll be doing it?
As long as it takes. I've told myself I have to get off in 19 minutes. So, which ever comes first.
11 Why are you doing it?
Because of the Greens.
12 What do you want be doing?
This. Or playing my guitar. Or hanging out with Mcfly, Joshua Radin, Zefron, Zach Braff, Darren Criss and Milo Ventimiglia.
13 What is next in your life?
Uni for two more years. Then maybe another two. Then hopefully work.
14 How you doing?
Alright, still a bit sick. Pretty tired. Not all that jazzed about going to uni.
15 Whats the best book you've read all year?
Anne of Green Gables. Seeing as it's the only book I've fully read all year. But, by the end of the year I'm sure my answer will change to "An Abundance of Katherines" by, you guessed it, John Green.
16 Describe a perfect day
This would take too long. But it would probably entail recording an album, hanging out with the aforementioned people, lazer tag, hanging out with friends and being proposed to.
17 Assuming that all things come to an end how will humans become extinct?
Jesus will come back.
18 How you feeling about kids these days?
I'm liking the older ones at the moment. I've had heaps of great opportunities to minister to 14-17s. And, although I'm only 18, it's been awesome fun.
19 Create you're own question and answer it
If you could have any talent instantly, what would it be?
Be awesome at piano.
20 Whats you're least favorite part of any given day?
At the moment, when the nurse comes. But usually, that time that happens every day when I realise that I should be sleeping and that I'll be really tired tomorrow and that I haven't done everything I need to.
21 Do you enjoy science fiction?
22 Cheese or chocolate?
Chocolate. Man, this would be a hard question for Jes.
23 What was your first concert?
The Wiggles?
24 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
Sydney. Melbourne. England.
25 Invisibility or time travel?
Invisibility for sure.
26 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful what kind would it be?
An artsy crafty indie business.
27 Whats wrong with the world?

Okay, so please do this for interests sake, and if you have some time on your hands watch the series, I'm currently loving it.

Yes! finished with 9 minutes left.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

wow now sir

I know, I know, I just posted a blog but I've been thinking and wanted your opinion.

I began this argument in my head as I was confronted with a young popular artist, just over a year older than me, presented on my television screen. A close up of her bony fingers against a custom made, sparkling guitar revealed the playing of alternating chords; G, D, G, D, G, D etc. Looking at my new, comparatively cheep acoustic next to me, I began to wonder: so what is it that she has, that I don’t. Similarity: we can sing. Similarity: we both, I assume, want to pursue a career in music. Similarity: we can both play the seemingly impressive G-D chord progression. Difference: she possesses a set of tall thin legs, big eyes and has the body-type of a Victoria Secret model.

My gaze then finds its way through the glamour to the slightly over-weight, unattractive lead guitarist supplying the accompanying riff. This prompts me to wonder “is that all it is?” Is the only reason the twiggy-look-a-like gets all the fame and glory, her picture on millions of CD’s and a tour with thousands because she’s attractive?

Here, I would like to make a few clarifying statements. I do not mean to suggest that all famous people are attractive and that they gain fame through that quality. No one can deny the fact that many idolized musicians are unattractive, for instance, Alanis Morisette has never won prizes for looks and neither have the boys from The Shins.

So is this then perhaps just a pop culture thing? I give you the The Backstreet Boys, Jonas Brothers, Hanson, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and the obvious McFly as examples.

Here I do not want to create the idea that popular musicians are, in fact, not musicians. I have been an ambassador for popular music, for some time, as I believe that it is much more than the ability to look good. I have had, in past, many conversations in which I defend the musical talent and authenticity of artists such as The Jonas Brothers and Hanson and wish to in no way suggest otherwise.

The issue I would like to struggle with, however, is the question of “How much is the attractiveness of an artist or band a help or a hindrance?”

And here's what I've come up with.

Attractiveness as a help

Being attractive can help you in many different areas, but what of the music industry? Most people would confess that they would rather a charismatic, tall, dark, handsome man singing love songs than someone who looked like that bus driver with the weird smell. And how often do you see a girl holding up a sign at a pop concert reading "I really appreciate your musical ability" as apposed to something commenting on a physical attribute. Here we can see that attractiveness does, in fact, influence the fans of a band, how many and how crazy.

Attractiveness as a hindrance

Here comes the discussion of "high" and "low" music. This is an inbuilt judging system that everyone has. It's that decision that you make scrolling through your friends ipod, concluding that they're into "good or "bad" music. Firstly, I would like to state that this mind view is narrow minded and judgmental and that we all do it. Generally pop music - such as the artists I've previously mentioned - is considered "low" in the spectrum, and can only be excused by indie-snobs, and the like, as "a guilty pleasure". This discounts any musical ability and assumes talent or authenticity merely based on genre. People that do consider pop music as "low" and the accompanying attractiveness of the teeny-bopper-eye-candy, immediately attribute a bands sucsess on the attractiveness factor.

This is a hindrance as the attractiveness factor can cause people to pass artists music off and attribute fame to looks as apposed to talent.

No ones really written anything on this so i thought i'd give it a bash and have a ramble.

So what do you think?

p.s. hope some of you got the Mighty Boosh reference in the title, however subtle it was.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lets get this blog train-a-moving

It was a cold rainy night on the eve of the 6th of October. She was sitting in her room just begging for any creative outlet to take her mind off the horrors that would be present the following day.

Man I wish I had some cool story like that as the reason that I created a blog. But I don't. I really don't. The fact is I've decided to create this blog as I love writing. I one day hope to be a music journalist and have a book published and I figure the more practice I have, the better.

So here you'll find reviews, crazy random happenstances, thoughts, pics and other things generally blogish.

keep rocking,