Monday, November 30, 2009

it's always cloudy except for, except for.

well what a big year.
and before you click the "back" button, this is not a Christmas card style "Johnny got 3rd place in his 4th grade swimming competition this year" rant about my past year.
just a few quick things to outline awesome stuff, and as always i'll try to keep the pictures to a max and the comments to a min. I've also put the heading in bold so you can just have a scroll through.

starting uni
still haven't...
worked out how the system works
gotten a concession card
got in with the "in" crowd at Christian Union
found a solid friend group to hang out with
I have had...
fun in tutes and lectures
more fun than I should writing essays
amazing times outside of classes with amazing people
great extra-curricular experiences

Study Camp
Leading on study camp was so amazingly fun.
Made so many good friends and, more importantly, the girls I lead showed an amazing response to the message of Christ. I still keep in contact with them and they've just finished so pray that they'll still consider what they've learnt.
can't wait to go again next year.

New Found Love of Youtube

this yea
r i've clicked "subscribe" 42 times.
a few I would like to mention...
- a collaboration channel with, in my opinion, 4 awesome guys plus one okay guy.
nerimon -
alex day is brilliant - i'm enjoying his current chapter by chapter reading and scrutinising Twilight. oh and he's English.
charlieissooollike -
the guy who started my Youtube obsession. You don't know youtube until you know the awesomeness of charlie. he is English also.
johnnydurham19 -
Johnny D , i must admit is better looking than he is funny, but, you guessed it - he's English.
5awesomegirls -
a collaboration channel talking about Harry Potter? Sold.
StarKidPotter -
yes, it is these who are responsible for the amazing "A Very Potter Musical". Nuf said. These guys made my year a hell of a lot better.
communitychannel -
an aussie who has a hamish and andy style notice for social conventions and is pretty hilarious.
VlogBrothers -
the beginnings of collaboration channels - Hank and John Green, I talk about them more in "green". I love them both dearly.

Christian Union Mid Year Conference
All I can say is BARTOCK.
And first place for the car scavenger hunt goes GG (consisting of Amanda, Laura, Jes, Bonnie and I)
I met a WHOLE bunch of great people - Laura, Mel, Amanda, Alex, Annabel, Nathan, Kate, Brenden, other Mel and Wessels deserve a mention, and these relationships launched me from outsider to insiderish.

Getting Sick While My Parents Where Away
I had to do a whole lot of maturing really quickly. If buying food, cooking, cleaning, and arranging transport wasn't enough, add going to the hospital to get surgery to the mix. Of course I had Jes and my entire church family behind me, it was still a pretty challenging time.
The nurse says I'll be allll better in two more weeks. That will make 10 weeks of post-surgery care all up.

Black Stump
One of the best stumps so far
New Empire
Rhys Stamnas
Lydia Cole
Stu Larson
Idea of North
Seven Steady
Garage Hymnal
San Salvador

The Musical
This one experience that I will never forget.
Despite being my first musical, it was an original musical with only us to create the characters.
The people where amazing and will be sorely missed and I've made some friendships which I dearly pray will be with me for life.

Hanging out with Joe, Tim, Chris, Sam, Jo and Deb at Joe's house, Kingsley's, on a jetti, in the theater - where ever, have produced some of the best moments all year.

My 18th - black and red all 'round it was an awesome night
Liam's 20th - at the clare hotel (highly recommended)
Janelle/Lousie's 20th - at a Panzer gig
Phil and Lil's Wedding - fun times all 'round, an honour to play in the band
Andy B's 18th - made many one-night-friends. Good potato's I recall
Claudia's belated 18th - again, made many one-night-friends with Claudia's uni friends
Tom's 18th - amazing cake by Rosie, fun times with Chee chilling out with the dregs at the end.
Alison's 20th - a night on the town (Jes, Matt, Iggy, Ali and I) - trying to pronounce Italian menus and eating pancakes on the rocks.
Annual Dinner - Kate, Brendan, Annabel and Alex's bad jokes where the highlights of this night.
Bonnie's 21st - involved a jumping castle and Luke's word games and a tasty tasty pinata
Deb's Christmas Party - red and green, pool, wine and music.
yet to come...
Joe's 21st
Megan's 19th
Chris' 21st

Seeing Artists
McFly - brilliant as per usual
Death Cab For Cutie - amazingly spectacular, they were one of those bands that you have on you "must see" list and I was glad to finally cross it off.
Joshua Radin - see "two albums, two exes" as one sentence could not describe it.
The Middle East x a few - am constantly amazed at their awesomeness
Panzer Queen - epic band and fun times with Jen and Blake

I have a whole lot more happening this year so this will be updated as those events fold out.
please write a similar entry about your year!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Here's the next part of the novel I was trying to write for NaNoWriMo (which i have 4 days to complete...ha)

The clock read 8:30, half an hour before Beth’s mother was to return home from her shift at the hospital. Beth’s mother had the habit of continually pointing out that Beth was still young and naive even though she had recently turned 18 and was a few weeks in to university. Therefore, Beth decided that telling her mother about the break-up with Paul would only emphasise her point as he was the third boyfriend she’d had this year. Even though it was early, Beth decided to turn in for the night and post-pone the argument until the morning.

Beth laid her head on the pillow, the silence acted as a remedy to her throbbing head. Finally, all the day’s happenings that where swirling through her mind, replaying over and over like a child reading their favorite book, stopped. And Beth was left to sleep.

She awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs and her mother’s whisper “Beth honey, I’ve got to go into the hospital today – Sheryl called in sick, there’s bacon and eggs on the table, I’ll be home ‘round six”

Beth grunted in reply and was sleepily relived that the day would be hers to do what she wanted. Beth rolled over and looked at the time – 10:00 and thought it appropriate to rise as the day would be over before she knew it.

She changed into her jeans and pulled a red button-up shirt over her singlet. She reached up to her bun, at this stage holding only a small amount of hair, and tugged at the elastic until her dark-blonde hair sat above her shoulders in soft waves.

She moved to the kitchen and ate her breakfast slowly, contemplating what she might do on her undisturbed day. The apartment was too stuffy, and, pulling on her Chucks, Beth decided to go to the park behind the apartment blocks.

She had only walked five minutes into the park when she saw him walking towards her “Paul I swear if you speak to me about this again I-”

“Beth just give us another chance eh?” Paul butted in.

Beth began to walk the other direction “You’ve had too many chances already Paul. Leave. Me. Alone.” Paul followed her and Beth began to pick up speed.

“Beth, we’re made for each other!” Paul insisted. Beth decided to walk into the large patch of untamed bush behind the park in an effort to lose him, yelling “go away!” to the persistent annoyance behind her. Her efforts had worked and Beth continued to storm off into the trees until found herself surrounded by tall gums and native ferns. She began to slow as she realised that it was a beautiful place that she had stumbled upon. Beth looked up into the canopy and saw the high arching braches covering her. One foot stepped on the rocky ground, then the next, as Beth peered above her. Suddenly she lost her balance and found herself on the ground, face first, in front of a giant gum tree. She pulled herself to its trunk noting a sharp pain in her right leg. Resting against the tree, Beth rolled up her jeans to find a deep cut. Sighing Beth lent her head back onto the trunk and closed her eyes, thinking of what to do. A few minutes passed and Beth opened her eyes to find herself in a situation quite out of the ordinary.

Surrounding her now was a sea of red fabric that appeared to have come from no where. Beth slowly stood up, with a gasp, as she felt the pain in her leg. She had had a similar dream to this a week before she started uni. The dream will all be over soon Beth assured herself and shut her eyes muttering “wake up Beth, wake up”

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

loving the gentlemen

and here's where the music reviewer in me comes out.

so this week, whilst browsing in Koorong, a few books and the new "Switchfoot" album in my arms, I looked over to a display. The CD advertised had this awesome album, and despite being placed amongst a myriad of "pop/rock" artists, I deiced to check them out.

Hearing the first song I was sold.

This is the band that I've been waiting for.
While I've stumbled across awesome Christian artists before (stu larson, lydia cole, ruth, the middle east, san salvador etc etc) this band is like no other.

With a kinda "Kooks"y sound, this band mimics the indie/alternate wave coming out of England at the moment.
the lyrics are about the big man.

"This king of glory has sent me to complete this task"
"Set your eyes on things above"

"the Gentlemen" have the "Relient K" mix down-pat. An album of both classic boy/girl songs, mixed with those presenting statements about what they believe.

This band could easily fit in on FBI radio or supporting Sarah Blasko and Vampire weekend, however they don't let their Christian identity be clouded by the want to be big.

If you're into this kind of thing, their definitely worth a check out.

Band: The Gentlemen
Album: A Candid History of Faith, Hope, Love
Koorong $19.95

Monday, November 23, 2009

two exes, two albums.

He stood there before me, mere metres away with that hair and those hands and that guitar that, for years I have longed to see.
It was so surreal that it felt like a dream. And i'll tell you, it wouldn't be the first time I dreamed about him.
His melodic voice paired with the gentle strumming and picking of his guitar created a sound that can only be described as pure awesomeness.
"I have two I've got two albums" oh and did I mention that he was also FUNNY AS HECK?
among the beautifully written songs that fell down on you like rain as you walk through the streets, one hand in an umbrella and the other linked in someone else's - were humorous anecdotes, a candid view into his past relationships and an insight to the "only girl he's ever loved".

right now, I cannot think of a more perfect moment. and, although being pressed up against the railing, at times, proved painful, it was worth it.

The most impacting part, I must say, was his description of the song "no envy, no fear". He explained that he used to see artists and look at them in envy. He wished that one day people would pay to come see him play like people did with these artists. He was basically describing my life to me. But, the way to go about it is not to be envious, but inspired. And that's just what I was - envious. and that's just what i'll try to be - inspired.

some are reaching, few are there
wandering from a heros chair
some are scared to fly so high
well this is how we have to try

have no envy and no fear
have no envy
no fear

Sunday, November 22, 2009

this one's for chlo

So chloe was talking about how no one ever posts any more.
And it's true, I haven't posted since my musical shut down and my life is now taken over by exams.

so i think we should have a blog challenge over the Christmas break that means we have to post each week and do something....

so ideas?

Monday, November 9, 2009

death metal - less talk,, more photos.

"your name is such a death metal name" said a tipsy Tim at Saturday's after party before repetitively growling "Polly Bray".

I've had such an awesome time this past week, hanging at the theater, chilling at joshy's, sleeping at Joanna's and seeing an amazing view from Joe's. Not to mention chilling in the city tonight with Ali and co. But more of that later.

Here's pictures as promised and I'll try to keep the commentary to a minimum.

Jo Sam and I making the "Rosie's" sign

Joe Sam Jo and I on "Goon Night" as it has now been deamed.

"The cool kids" on a jetti near a light house near Joe's place - over looking the harbor. Trying to not fall in to the water while the camera swung on self-timer. Edwin Macca Sam Me Jo Deb Joe.

Luckily my time with these awesomely cool people is extended to a dinner, 21st and a Christmas party. However I'll still miss them dearly.

Harris out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

closing down

So the time being apart of this musical is coming to a close and I've come to realise how little the whole thing is about the actual musical and more about the people.

Today it hit me that I wont see some of these people ever again. And that's hard when you've spent 8 hours a day for two weeks with them.

I feel I would be neglecting the world if I didn't speak of the crazy night last night - "the cool kids" as Joe has deemed us (being Joe, Tim, Jo, Sam and I) had one of those nights that makes for awkward "hey..."'s the next day and random outbursts at remembering what exactly we got up to. Joe and Tim finished uni officially and where therefore a little rowdy. And now, I must say, I view my directors in a very different light.

We must have taken 100 pictures in various locations at various times in the wee small hours of the morning around macquarie uni.

Here's just a taste.

Sam Tim Jo Joe Me

While I'll see Sam and Jo around, Joe and Tim (and other finished/UTS people) are off on great adventures and I'll probably never hear of them until they're famous.

Two after parties and a recording session to go until the only thing I'll have left from the musical will be an album and a bent name tag.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


That's right it's NaNoWriMo. For those who aren't nerd fighters; NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. Which is, November. This month many are attempting to write a 50 000 word novel. While this may just produce a lot of crappy novels, it's getting people who don't write, writing.

Naturally I'm joining the novel crusade and nerdfighting for a decent novel.

Here's some of what I've been writing; for those who are interested.

This is the smallest might-be-true story that ever there was, that boys can put in their back pockets and write in the margins for the girls they stole it from.


The door bell rang a third time. Beth knew who it was and therefore had no intention of answering it.

“Come on Beth!” the voice on the other side of the door pleaded, “open the door”.

The persistence displayed by the boy did not wear Beth down, but rather fuelled her anger.

“Go away Paul!” She yelled back.

“I am not going until you speak with me, face to face!” Paul replied confidently.

Beth sighed and made her way to the door knowing his stubbornness would make reality of his statement. Beth got onto her tippy-toes, too short as per usual, to peer through the peep-hole in the door. The boy staring back at her was distorted by the convex shaped glass and therefore appeared to have a nose disproportionately large for his face. His brown hair was messy and sat void of any clear part or intention of style – one more thing Beth could add to the list of reasons she had previously recited to him, prompting their break-up.

Paul smiled with victory as the door opened ajar a little, and Beth stood before him in her flannelette pajama pants and singlet. Her hair was up in a bun with soft wispy dark-blonde strands, too short to stay pulled up, falling to frame her delicate face.

“Beth” he said with a smile

“What Paul?” she snapped back, “what could you possibly have to say to me”

“I…” he began, and Beth saw his eyes wondering off as if trying to find the right words to say, “I…love you?” he said unsure, as if he where on a game show and just been asked a question of which he had no idea the answer.

“Oh, oh you love me?” Beth said in a tone filled with sarcasm. “You love me like you love Stacy Crawford? And Lois Watson? And Rebecca Phillips? And, let me see, who else?”

“I told you, they meant nothing!”

“Well that makes me feel a whole lot better” she replied with the same attitude. “Paul,” she began more seriously, articulating every syllable “I do not want to go out with you anymore. There is nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind”.

“But Beth, baby,” he began to plead as the door slammed in front of him blowing a cold gust of air onto his face and further ruffling his hair.

Beth stood by the door and heard his footsteps become more and more muffled until they became non-existent.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

some news that's hard to digest

"We have some news that may be hard to digest," said Joe last night at our pre-show gathering.
"Well, not for us," Tim added "Clive was pretty tasty."

That's right, last night it was made known that Clive (who turned out to be a girl) died and was eaten by our directors. Joe and Tim told a few of us - knowing most of the cast would freak out had they known Clive's fate. When Joe turned up with a much much bigger, much much more aggressive crab, however, people started to wonder. And thus, the cat was let out of the bag and the crab out of his nicely decorated tank.

This new (male) crab named by Courtney as "Petal" is crazy aggressive. Jo and I walked into see him and he basically tried to kill us from his tank. We can only pick him up with tongs - which he's latched onto with his gross mouth and wouldn't let go a few times.

Isn't it great that this is the most interesting thing happening to me right now?